Sean Swain’s communications blocked

The Virginia Department of Corrections (VADOC) has blocked communications to and from our friend Sean Swain. We believe this is because prison officials simply didn’t like what he wrote. Listen to Sean’s account of what happened here (via The Final Straw podcast).

We are asking friends and comrades to contact VADOC to ask them why (and to gently let them know that our πŸ‘€’s are on them).

VADOC Headquarters
(804) 674-3000

VADOC Central Regional Office
(804) 674-3008

Buckingham Correctional Center
(434) 983-4400

John Woodson, Buckingham Warden

Jeffrey Snoddy, Buckingham Assistant Warden

Rose Durbin, Corrections Operations Manager

George Hinkle, Regional Operations Chief (Central)

Sample Script:
β€œI’m contacting you because Sean Swain, inmate #2015638, has had his communications blocked. I am a friend of Sean, and I know that he does not pose a security threat. Communications may not be censored simply because officials don’t like the content, so I would like to ask what the reason for this is.”