Donnell Miracle

Donnell has been incarcerated for 28 years with no chance for parole. She has been an inspiration of strength and perseverance to other women incarcerated at Women’s Huron Valley CF.

Donnell wishes to share her story of taking control of her own path to restorative justice:

At the time of my offense I was 22 years of age. I had been the product of sexual abuse, mental/physical abuse, alcoholism and drug addiction. This environment only promoted unhealthy coping mechanisms in the form of self injury, immaturity and the inability to hold myself accountable. I was uneducated and had no self worth.

I went from being a victim to victimizing another.

At the age of 22 I was a young mother and I loved my child immensely but if I look back and reflect honestly I was so irresponsible at that point in my life. I was clueless on how to deal with my mental health issues. I never realized how acute they truly were.

Being incarcerated has given me the opportunity to take a hard look at myself. I began the process of facing the truth no matter how ugly it was.

The sexual abuse, my childhood, my addiction to drugs and alcohol as well as my self inflicted abuse all had to be dealt with so I began the process of learning how to heal. First step, was to no longer identify as the victim and be accountable.

The hardest part for me has been how to live with myself after committing such a horrendous, selfish act against another human being.
Now at the age of 51, I am a woman capable of dealing with my past. My pain is no longer my crutch. I realized I am strong and I don't need to use drugs and alcohol to try and numb myself from the past. There was no escaping it only facing it was going to heal my wounds.

Since my journey began 28 years ago I have received my education, learned a skilled trade that will provide me the ability to be financially independent. I have grown into a woman who is capable of owning who I once was, I take responsibility and know my worth.

Write to Donnell:
Donnell J. Miracle #234256
Women’s Huron Valley Correctional Facility
3201 Bemis Road
Ypsilanti, MI 48197-0911