4/28 – Virtual Prisoner Support & Letter-Writing Session

Virtual sessions for prisoner support & letter writing are back this week! Join us weekly on Slack until we are able to safely hold in-person events again. For access, email us, or send us a DM on Instagram or Facebook.

About Reverend Joy Powell:

Rev. Joy Powell is a vocal and consistent activist against police brutality, corruption, violence and oppression in her community. In 2006, she was targeted by Rochester Police Department, framed for crimes she did not commit, tried by an all-white jury and a biased judge in a case that had no evidence and no eyewitnesses, and sentenced to 16 years. In 2011, Joy was sentenced to another 25 years to life for a second wrongful conviction by a politically-motivated prosecution.

About Marius Mason:

Marius Mason is an anarchist and environmental/animal rights activist from the Detroit area. He is currently serving nearly 22 years in federal prison for acts of property damage carried out in defense of the planet, the harshest punishment of anyone convicted of environmental sabotage to date. No one was physically harmed in these actions, but at his sentencing, the judge applied a so-called “terrorism enhancement,” adding more time to an already extreme sentence requested by the prosecution.